Project Description

This initiative is part of local development. It aims to strengthen the resilience of communities that are victims of recurring crises in the Central African Republic. This will enable their involvement in self-development activities to improve their socio-economic conditions, as well as their environment and quality of life.

To achieve this, the planned activities include:

contacting local authorities for the presentation of the project, identifying beneficiaries and agricultural technicians for practical training and technical advice to beneficiaries;

practical training of beneficiaries on market gardening techniques on the project site: (making boards; nurseries, staking out to give a geometric shape to the plots, etc.);

training beneficiaries on entrepreneurship, financial education and AVEC (Village Savings and Credit Association) for the sustainability of the said sector;

the rehabilitation of a hangar used as a warehouse for market garden produce;

identification of partners, street traders, companies and establishments selling market garden products in all corners inside and outside the country (speculation);

NB: For the smooth running of the project, the team of the NGO FSFD in collaboration with agricultural technicians will work together with the beneficiaries.

Project for the socio-economic strengthening of vulnerable people in market gardening

9th district of Bangui, Central African Republic
AGR Sector: Agriculture

by NGO Women Without Borders for Development (FSFD)

  • 30.370 

    Funding Goal
  • 3.330 

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is € Maximum amount is € Put a valid number

1er Palier : 5 900 Euros 

purchases of market gardening tools including the 3-inch motor pump with accessories, wheelbarrows, treatment products, bags of fertilizer (urea and NPK) including sprayers.

2eme Palier : 11 900 Euros de plus

for the purchase of Equipment for Market Gardeners and product sellers (bowls, trays, wooden crates, coats, etc.) including the rental of vehicles for one month allowing the delivery of products to identified partners in the capital Bangui.

the salaries of the project team and the support of the market gardeners (Project Manager, Accountant, Logistician, Supervisors, Agricultural Technicians and the market gardeners' daily subsistence.)

3eme Palier : 7 000 Euros de plus 

for Communication: media coverage, radio broadcasts, video of activities, site sign, the hangar will serve as a warehouse, banners for each activity and project polo shirts

training of Beneficiaries in Entrepreneurship, this amount will cover room rentals, sound system, training kits, coffee and lunch breaks, expenses for speakers and moderators and other consumables.

4eme Palier : 2 270 Euros de plus

training beneficiaries in financial education, with this money, we will cover room rentals, sound system, coffee and lunch breaks, expenses for speakers and moderators and other consumables.

Practical training of beneficiaries in AVEC. We will also buy tables, benches and desks from the organizers who are members of the group.

Campaign Story

We purchased 1.5 hectares of arable land, seeds and equipment from market gardeners.

Central African Republic (CAR) is a landlocked country, member of theAfrican Union with an area of six hundred and twenty three thousand (623,000) square kilometers containing six million (6,000,000) inhabitants. It is composed of twenty (20) Prefectures and eighty five (85) Sub-Prefectures divided into seven (7) administrative regions.
A country in the center of theAfrica, which has experienced armed conflicts and coups d'état for three decades, which have delayed its emergence.
Although it has significant natural resources, most of them are under the control of armed groups and some are exported in their raw state, which prevents the creation of employment in the country.

Furthermore, the political regimes and military-political crises that have followed one another in the country have not allowed for the establishment of a coherent agricultural development policy. Also, the RCA has been facing climate change in recent times, rain-fed agriculture which represents the most important subsistence activity is already disrupted by the effects of climate change, noting the flood of 2017 and 2019.

These crises have profoundly shaken its socio-economic fabric and have aggravated the impoverishment of the entire population, in particular that of the ninth arrondissement of Bangui which has welcomed refugees, internally displaced persons, returned migrants, host communities and others deprived of their property.

It should be noted that more than 66.6% of the six million (6,000,000) Central Africans live below one dollar or six hundred (600) FCFA per day (Cf World Bank report). Life expectancy at birth has dropped considerably by around 44 years, particularly due to armed conflicts which fuel food and financial insecurity among adolescents and children under five (5) years old.

To this end, in relation to its weak growth, the GDP per capita of which is one of the lowest in the world, the NGO Women Without Borders for Development (FSFD) wants, with the technical, material and financial support of Skills4aid engage in market gardening activities (tomato, eggplant and pepper) to alleviate food insecurity and the precarious situation experienced by the latter living in the ninth district of Bangui, which is home to twenty-eight thousand (28,000) inhabitants spread across 4 constituencies.

The beneficiaries of the said project are Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), host communities, single-parent women, women and girls who are victims of gender-based violence (GBV), refugees, returned migrants and unemployed youth in the said locality. For a total of 40 direct beneficiaries.

With these donations, theFSFD NGO will be able to achieve the objective of the said project which is to bring people affected by the Central African crises to overcome their vulnerability to get involved in market gardening for their food and financial autonomy. Specifically we will:

1- Raise awareness among beneficiaries about the benefits and importance of market gardening in social life;

2- Demonstrate the issues and challenges related to market gardening in order to gain the commitment and collective involvement of the beneficiaries;

3- Create business synergy and value chain between beneficiaries, local population, surrounding areas and outside the country to facilitate trade.

In terms of expected results, it should be noted that:

– 40 beneficiaries (host communities, refugees, single-parent women and internally displaced persons) identified are consequently involved in market gardening;

– 40 beneficiaries including 28 women trained on the importance of market gardening are operational and now have a job that allows them to improve their socio-economic condition;

– 80% of these beneficiaries trained on the issues and challenges of market gardening, carry out the production of tomatoes, peppers and eggplants on the site identified in the locality;

– these beneficiaries created a business synergy and the value chain between the local populations, restaurants, food stores, schools, the university… to facilitate commercial exchanges;

– 40 beneficiaries including 28 women trained in entrepreneurship, financial education and AVEC are financially independent and know how to manage themselves.

We need a 3 inch motor pump with accessories, sprayers, bowls, large model trays, secateurs, fossils, hoes, Penta decameter, machetes, picks, shovels, hoes, watering cans, tropical wheelbarrows and plows